@MIYAVI_OFFICIAL Are you in Germany right now? It is morning here, I am fine but some friends don't call back yet...How is your show there?
36 minutes ago
@GACKT hey sup bro, cool 2 hear from u. just had the show in Italy n now got 2 Hungary. everythin is great here but u kno so worried abt jp.
27 minutes ago
@MIYAVI_OFFICIAL U r in Hungary right now? I know U r worried about Japan, we are ok, still fighting. we never give up, right?
16 minutes ago
@GACKT yeh, i kno. we never ever give up our bright future. lets keep sendin our luv n hearts 2 the victims in the disaster sites.
7 minutes ago
in reply to ↑
@MIYAVI_OFFICIAL Of course I keep on sendin my luv there, 2 every1. There are a lot of people who r still fighting in the disaster areas.
*пролистала твиттер Гакта. Испугалась. закрыла окошко*
но чеееерт *о*
ин лав от них <3
и от их английского
и еще раз от них *о*
| пятница, 08 апреля 2011